The BPIA Job Hotline provides the industry with choice job listings updated monthly — both current openings and internship opportunities.

Any current member can post for free position descriptions and the postings will run on our website until filled. Please keep your descriptions to approximately 100 words or less (word count does not include contact information) and email it as a Word document here.

Send Word Document

Listings will be updated monthly.


Position Available/Wanted: $100
Internship Available: $50

Prices include 100 words or less in length, not including the headline or contact information.


Postings must be prepaid. We can turn your email address into an active link when included in the contact information. We are not responsible for addresses which are supplied to us incorrectly. Web URLs in your ad will NOT be made into live links.

Current Openings

Federal Regulatory Affairs Specialist

Neudorff North America is looking for a federal regulatory affairs specialist to obtain and maintain EPA registrations of biopesticides, organic and reduced risk pesticides.

Regulatory Affairs Professional

Novonesis Plant Biosolutions seeks an experienced Regulatory Affairs professional to join our US team with primary responsibility in the biopesticide area that includes microorganisms, enzymes, and other novel microbial-derived technologies.

Director – Regulatory Affairs

BioConsortia is seeking a Director of Regulatory Affairs with excellent regulatory and scientific knowledge and a keen interest in bolstering the value of this innovative agricultural biotech company by securing product registrations.

Regulatory Manager

BioWorks is looking for a Regulatory Manager to lead its regulatory team to produce swift registration of new products and maintaining stringent regulatory compliance across the USA, Canada, Mexico, and Central America, and support registration efforts of BioWorks products with international partners.

Manager of Regulatory Affairs

ProFarm Group, a subsidiary of Bioceres Crop Solutions, a global provider of biologically derived fertilizers, inoculants, crop traits, adjuvants, biostimulants, and pesticides, serving the ever-expanding agricultural markets is looking for a Project Manager of Regulatory Affairs. Learn more at Regulatory Affairs Project Manager

Jobs Wanted

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Is your organization or company looking for an intern? BPIA, as a benefit to its members, is offering a FREE internship listing service. Any current member may post an internship position for free. The internship position can be paid or unpaid. Please keep your descriptions to approximately 100 words or less (word count does not include contact information) and email it here.