BPIA includes several committees that bring together the resources and the focus necessary to achieve the organization’s many objectives.
- Biological Markets
- Biostimulant Innovation
- Canadian
- Communications
- Finance
- Government Affairs
- Meeting Planning
- Membership
- Nominating
- Regulatory
Biological Markets
BPIA’s Biological Markets Committee was created to place a greater emphasis on the adoption, promotion, and acceptance of biological products in a variety of markets including Commercial Agriculture, Forestry, Greenhouse Production, Hemp, Home Gardens, Landscaping, Ornamentals, Public Health, Turf, Vegetation Management, and any new markets. Activities involve internal and external collaborative relationship building, knowledge transfer, and outreach activities with individuals and organizations in various biological markets.
It is the responsibility of the Biological Markets Committee to further expand these objectives by identifying, prioritizing, and implementing strategies and actions that meet the member needs and are consistent with the BPIA mission.
Co-Chairs: Boomer Cardinale (Agri Sci Bio), Carlos Borgan (OHP), Nasser Assaf (Valent Biosciences), and Paul Duncan (Ficosterra)
Biostimulant Innovation
In 2019, the Board voted to recognize the increasing importance of biostimulants by establishing a standing Biostimulant Innovation Committee (BIC). Previously, the Board had established a temporary committee to integrate biostimulant member companies into the broader BPIA committee structure and to identify and communicate biostimulant sector priorities.
Biostimulant products are generally recognized as being biologically derived and when applied to plants, seed or soil enhance plant health or vigor, nutrient availability and efficiency, tolerance to abiotic stress and crop quality. While there is no established definition currently recognized by U.S. state and federal regulatory authorities, in a 2019 report to Congress, USDA proposed the following definition, (Alternative Definition 2): “A plant biostimulant is a substance(s), microorganism(s), or mixtures thereof, that, when applied to seeds, plants, the rhizosphere, soil or other growth media, act to support a plant’ s natural nutrition processes independently of the biostimulant’ s nutrient content. The plant biostimulant thereby improves nutrient availability, uptake or use efficiency, tolerance to abiotic stress, and consequent growth, development, quality or yield. Unless or until a formal definition is established in the United States, BPIA supports use of this language to describe plant biostimulants.
Other priorities for the BIC are to: work with the Regulatory Committee to encourage the EPA to draft guidance to clarify the regulatory status and develop a longer term approach for biostimulant products as the industry continues to innovate; develop communication materials to help educate stakeholders on the science, agronomic and sustainable benefits of this technology; and to develop and promote industry standards for biostimulants that enhance sector credibility, support a level-playing field, influence state and/or federal regulation and recognize companies for their efforts. The BIC has a State Subcommittee and M009 Subcommittee.
Co-Chairs: David Hiltz (Acadian Plant Health) and Pam Howlett (Bayer)
In 2020, the Board voted to create a Canadian Committee to better serve our members doing business in Canada.
The Canadian Committee plans to serve as a liaison between the biological products industry and the Canadian Food Inspection Agency (CFIA) and the Pest Management Regulatory Agency (PMRA).
Co-Chairs: Janice Asato (Certis Biologicals) and Laurie Tyo (Lallemand Plant Care)
BPIA’s Communications Committee facilitates the communication of biocontrols benefits through activities in person, in print, and online. These activities include collaborative relationship building, knowledge transfer and outreach activities with individuals and organizations across the food value chain, the creation and placement of biocontrols-related articles in trade publications and websites, and the coordination of BPIA promotion at industry trade shows and media gatherings. The committee acts as the BPIA liaison to trade and mainstream journalists seeking interview contacts with information about biocontrols technology.
It is the responsibility of the Communications Committee to further elaborate these objectives and establish specific plans/tactics and anticipated outcomes in accordance with the BPIA long-range strategic plan.
Co-Chairs: Richard Jones (DunhamTrimmer) and Rick Welder (Meister Media)
BPIA’s Finance Committee oversees the finances of the BPIA and the activity of the BPIA Treasurer. Every year, the Finance Committee in consultation with other BPIA committees and staff creates a proposed budget for approval by the Board of Directors for the following fiscal year. BPIA’s fiscal year begins January 1st. The Finance Committee also oversees an annual financial review or audit conducted by a certified public account.
Chair: Jennifer Lilly (The Mosaic Company)
Government Affairs
Government Affairs Committee Charter is to
- Monitor federal and state legislative initiatives as may affect the biocontrols industry
- Establish a position as to each initiative and to solicit and support advocacy of such position by the members.
- Educate legislators and senior government officials about biocontrols and their value proposition.
- Seek legislative assistance regarding issues facing the biocontrols industry.
Specific tasks
- Be knowledgeable of all proposed federal and state legislative initiatives as may have an affect or impact on the biocontrols industry
- Provide information on pending legislation to the Board of Directors and members
- Identify the particular legislators who should be contacted concerning pending legislation that affects the biocontrols industry.
- Prepare talking points, sample mailings, and other items containing the agreed position statement of the Committee to assist those selected by the Committee when contacting legislators.
- Identify and solicit members to advocate BPIA’s position to identified legislators.
- Prepare those solicited to convey the agreed position of BPIA.
- Arrange “fly-ins”, receptions, and programs with legislators to educate them on biocontrols.
- Coordinate with other organizations when contacting legislators and government officials on issues of common interest.
Co-Chairs: Maggie Stith (Valent) and TBD
Meeting Planning
BPIA’s Meeting Planning Committee, with the assistance of staff, develops the themes and agendas for all BPIA meetings . The Committee identifies and arranges for a wide variety of speakers from around the world. Past speakers have come from government agencies, universities and extension programs, the food industry, the crop protection industry, and other areas.
Co-Chairs: Nichole Hammond (Eurofins) and Eric McEwen (Gowan)
BPIA’s Membership Committee recruits new members for BPIA that meet the criteria for membership. The committee confirms that the applicants meet the criteria for membership in the appropriate categories and recommends prospective new members to the Board of Directors for final approval. New members agree to confirm that they have read the BPIA Operating Principals and understand their importance.
BPIA membership has grown steadily to over 100 member companies. Company membership has gone from predominately North American to one of global representation with members from Argentina, Austria, Germany, India, Israel, Korea, the Netherlands, Spain, Switzerland and the United Kingdom. The committee expects overall membership to continue to increase as interest in biocontrols continues to escalate industry wide and as potential basic manufacturers, marketers, distributors, service providers, and sole proprietors become better acquainted with the many benefits of BPIA membership.
Learn more about BPIA membership categories and criteria by downloading a BPIA Application Form.
Co-Chairs: Mark Trimmer (DunhamTrimmer) and Russell Ingram (Corteva AgriScience)
BPIA’s Nominating Committee is appointed by the Board Chair, with approval by the Board of Directors, and members are selected from the Board of Directors. The Committee meets annually to nominate individuals from BPIA member companies to serve on the Board of Directors and to recommend individuals as chairs of standing Committees. The recommendations are made to the Board of Directors prior to the elections by the BPIA membership.
General Criteria for Selection of Nominees for BPIA Board of Directors:
- Be employed by a BPIA member company.
- Membership dues must be current.
- Have relevant experience in biological products – applicable to mission.
- Been active in BPIA for at least two years and co-chaired a committee demonstrating a history of participation and leadership.
- Be willing and able to commit the necessary time for Board meetings and related business, serve on committee(s) of interest based on expertise, and special assignments as appropriate.
- This is volunteer position – all time and travel and other expenses are pro bono.
A single BPIA member company may have a maximum of one employee on the Board at any given time.
Chair: Terry Stone (Corteva)
BPIA’s Regulatory Committee is dedicated to fostering continued improvements to the biocontrols regulatory process. The committee meets periodically with key regulators at USDA, USEPA, and various states. Members represent BPIA at key stakeholder meetings and often provide comments on behalf of the industry. The Regulatory Committee currently has the following subcommittees: EPA Communications Subcommittee, International Subcommittee, Organic Subcommittee, State Issues Subcommittee, Training Subcommittee, and USDA Subcommittee.
Interactions with the regulators are utilized to raise and resolve issues, comment constructively on emerging policies and regulations, and learn how registrants can improve their submissions. The committee disseminates its findings to the membership via the website, email updates, and reports at membership meetings. Input and questions from BPIA member companies regarding regulatory issues are welcome.
Co-Chairs: Megan Priest (Delta Analytical Corporation); Jennifer Lilly (The Mosaic Company); and Lisa Baker (Corteva)