BPIA at BioProtection Global

BPIA recently participated at a meeting of BioProtection Global (BPG) in Basel, Switzerland. BPG is the voice of the bioprotection industry for key topics on a global scale in order to promote bioprotection and harmonize proportionate regulations.

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BPIA 2019 Member Fall Fly-In

As part of the BPIA 2019 Members Fall Fly-In, the BPIA Government Affairs Committee (GAC) led representatives from numerous BPIA member companies in dozens of meetings on Capitol Hill.

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Pesticide Registration Specialist

SciReg, Inc., a leading scientific, regulatory, and quality assurance consulting firm serving the pesticide, plant protection, pharmaceutical, animal health, and chemical industries, is seeking a pesticide registration...

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BPIA 2019 Annual Meeting

BPIA holds its largest meeting ever in Portland, Oregon including a symposium focused on biopesticides, biostimulants, and transforming the supply chain to recognize the importance of biological products.

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PRIA 4 Enacted

The new legislation reauthorizes PRIA through 2023. BPIA is thrilled that this bill has become law, re-establishing predictable timeframes in the biopesticides registration process and providing EPA with the resources it needs.

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PRIA Expiration

Even though EPA has an approved budget for FY2019, PRIA itself expired at 12:00 AM February 16th. The termination clause within PRIA provides for reduced fees until requirements to pay and collect all registration fees terminate by September 30, 3019.

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BPIA Hill Day

BPIA Government Affairs Committee members spent the day discussing BPIA and biological products including biopesticides and biostimulants with Congressional staff.

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BPIA Hill Day

BPIA members spent the day at the United States Senate introducing BPIA and biological products including biopesticides and biostimulants to Congressional staff.

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